Lene Bøtcher


Partner at LBLaw (CVR no. 26626994)

+45 2060 5605


Lene Bøtcher has great experience of buying and selling real property. In addition, Lene assists clients in drawing up wills, marriage settlements, separations, matrimonial matters, custody access and contact rights etc.

Lene has handled a number of decedent estates and is used to advising heirs. Lene has an all-round client base and has achieved good results by involving her clients in their own case. Lene’s experience is that the cases resolved through constructive dialogue with the other party, with the client as the principal party, are those that deliver the best outcome.

In 2010 Lene trained as a mediator. She is used to holding mediation meetings.

Lene has extensive litigation experience.


2005: Freelance lawyer.

2002 – 2005: Lawyer at the law firm Legalink Denmark

2001 – 2002: Lawyer at Advokaterne in Studiestræde

1998 – 2001: Trainee lawyer at Advokaterne in Studiestræde

1997 – 2002: Law instructor at Niels Brock Business College, Copenhagen

1995 – 1997: Trainee lawyer at the law firm Leif Arnesen and legal consultant at DMC

1993 – 1995: Agent at estate agent’s Scheel & Orloff

1982 – 1993: Cabin crew member with Sterling Airways

Education and training

2010: Trained mediator at ….

1993: Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of Copenhagen


Association of Danish Law Firms

Danish Family Lawyers

Danish Mediation Lawyers


